Ambassador & Influencer Program

Welcome to the Ambassador & Influencer program for Tiara London. We are looking out for young girls, who are not just Bold and Beautiful but also Smart and Skilled. Be a part of our ambassador or Influencer via Barter program by meeting our basic requirements and get rewarded with the below benefits:-

RequirementsCampus AmbassadorBrand Ambassador
Age< 3018+
Followers OR Engagement RateNot applicable15,000+ OR >10%
Certification of AppreciationYES
Free Brand ProductsWorth 1000 -2000Worth 3000 – 5000
Cash IncentivesYESYES
Paid InternshipYESNO
Letter of Recommendation – Tiara London UKYESNO
Personalized Discount CodeNOYES
Feature on Tiara London Brand PageNOYES
New Advertisement*NOYES
Free Brand Merchandize*YESYES

Please fill in the below form to be registered


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